Business Development Director

Südpack Medica AG

Juergen combines the medical, business and packaging world in his vita. With a bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration and an Executive MBA in Sales & Marketing Management, Jürgen spent the first 20 years of his professional life in different leadership roles in Amcor. Being also an advanced paramedic, he is passionate about the healthcare world and can add first-hand experience as a user to the sterile barrier world. Since 2018, Juergen is with Suedpack Medica and develops with his team the business of the future.

Speaker on

Form-Seal-Protect-Comply. PharmaGuard®, the recycle ready solution for OSD

Sustainable Corner BlisterMaterialPP mono materialPackagingValue chain collaborations in Pharma with PP mono materials for blister solutions
06/05/2024 | 10:40 - 11:00 | Room #2

Value chain collaborations in Pharma with PP mono materials for blister solutions

Panel Discussion BlisterMaterialPP mono materialPackagingValue chain collaborations in Pharma with PP mono materials for blister solutionsSustainable Development Strategy
06/05/2024 | 12:20 - 13:00 | Room #2